Thank you for wanting to find out more about #TheDiastasisProject

If you'd like to find out more about the #TheDiastasisProject, then please fill in this form.

If you have already filled in this form, then you will be informed of the webinar and how to watch it!

Also on this form are some of the ways you might like to contribute to #TheDiastasisProject - let us know what you might be interested in helping us with!

We will send you emails to keep you up to date as things progress with the project

Please note that all contributions are voluntary and no financial remuneration will be able to be provided.

Thank you!

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To find out more about #TheDiastasisProject*
Occupation (Select All Applicable Options)*
Would you like:
To contribute in some way to #TheDiastasisProject? (by ticking yes you will be emailed a more detailed form on the many different ways you can contribute)
To hear about courses where you can learn more about Diastasis?
To donate your case to #TheDiastasisProject? (You will be emailed The Consult Request form)
To have a paid consultation with Antony Lo about your Diastasis? (You will be emailed the link to book your appointment at a time that suits you)
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